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How to choose disposable plastic cups?

Disposable plastic cups are mainly divided into three types according to raw materials: PET cups, PS cups, and PP cups.

1. PET cup

PET, No. 1 plastic, polyethylene terephthalate, is commonly used in mineral water bottles, various beverage bottles and cold drink cups. It is easily deformed at 70°C and substances harmful to the human body melt away. Do not bask in the sun, do not contain alcohol, oil and other substances.

2. PS cup

PS, No. 6 plastic, polystyrene, can withstand temperatures of around 60-70 degrees. It is usually served as a cold drink. Hot drinks release toxins and have a crunchy texture.

3.PP cup

PP, No. 5 plastic, polypropylene. Compared with PET and PS, PP cup is a more popular plastic container material. It can withstand a temperature of 130°C and is a plastic container material that can be placed in a microwave oven. When choosing a disposable plastic water cup, be sure to identify the logo on the bottom. Among them, the No. 5 PP cup can hold both cold and hot drinks, while the No. 1 PET and No. 6 PS cups can only hold cold drinks.

Whether it is a disposable plastic cup or a paper cup, try not to reuse it. Cold and hot drinks must be kept separate. Some illegal businesses use recycled waste paper and recycled plastic to make profits for others. All impurities are countless, and they also contain various heavy metals or other harmful substances.

Choose products from regular manufacturers. What ordinary consumers don’t understand is that between disposable plastic cups and paper cups, plastic materials are better than paper. It can be considered from two aspects. The manufacturing process of disposable plastic cups is relatively simple, and hygiene is easy to control. Paper cups are relatively complex, with many production links, and hygiene is not easy to control. Qualified disposable plastic cups, non-toxic and pollution-free. Even qualified paper cups can easily separate foreign matter. In addition, the materials used in paper cups come from trees, which consumes forest resources excessively and has a great impact on the environment.